declarative - définition. Qu'est-ce que declarative
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est declarative - définition

Declarative (disambiguation)

·adj Making declaration, proclamation, or publication; explanatory; assertive; declaratory.
¦ adjective of the nature of or making a declaration.
?Grammar (of a sentence or phrase) taking the form of a simple statement.
declaratively adverb



Declarative may refer to:

  • Declarative learning, acquiring information that one can speak about
  • Declarative memory, one of two types of long term human memory
  • Declarative programming, a computer programming paradigm
  • Declarative sentence, a type of sentence that makes a statement
  • Declarative mood, a grammatical verb form used in declarative sentences
Exemples de prononciation pour declarative
1. A complete declarative statement is
Nuclear Brink _ Secretary William Perry _ Talks at Google
2. and simple declarative statements, that exists,
Speakrets _ Ruth Sherman _ Talks at Google
3. Here is just simple declarative sentences.
Corey _ Talks at Google
4. And there are two kinds of long term memories: declarative, or explicit, and non-declarative,
How Do You Make Memories
5. more declarative voice, 'especially Guns N' "Woses."'
Gone With The Mind _ Mark Leyner _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour declarative
1. The document has been significantly watered down to 35 pages of declarative statements.
2. "Up ‘till now, Yad Vashem has limited itself to declarative actions.
3. Speak in declarative sentences, such as, "Let‘s do more research on that." 5.
4. Therefore, the page has to become more declarative, more in–your–face and, yes, more tabloidised.
5. However, this is purely a declarative step as only the university‘s executive committee can dismiss the president.